Friday, March 13, 2009

Artwork Pictures!

Things are coming together so fast... here's a sneak peak of some of the completed wall murals.

Airplane mural in Play Land area

Photos taken in the "Mayan Ruins" themed lobby

Framework of the trees in the Elementary Auditorium.


  1. wow!!! I didn't realize that the project was coming along so looks absolutely amazing. I look forward to a trip home to Puyallup so I can check out in person.

    Excellent work everyone involved!

    Rachel McAskill

  2. This is all looks so super fun! You guys are doing a great job! We can't wait to see the finished product. I have a 8 yr. old daughter who already loves to go to church so this is just going to make it even more special for all the children. Thank you & God bless!


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